This post is about the idea of continued usage. When we graduate from Grove City college, most of what we learned will fade away over time. But what we learn about in sales I don’t think will ever fade away. Now we will all forget the technical terms and whatnot but, we will continue to sell each and every day.

When we were young, we began selling to our friends why they should be our friend. We did not say “I am the best friend to have, be my friend instead of his”. We did it naturally and made the other person “buy in”. This is interesting because the more I think about it the more I realize, most people are naturally good salesman. Learning about sales is just helping us to understand what we do naturally every day.

This is why I think that the more we learn about sales the more we will use these selling strategies in the real world. When we begin going out or going to bars and talking to people, we will begin asking the question “Where are you from?” and from there on we will begin to sell ourselves to these random people! it is a very interesting topic because it happens every day whether we know it or not.

One thought on “Using Selling Strategies in the Real World”
  1. I love the topic you chose to write about! Sales is used in all aspects of life and not just business calls. Using these strategies everyday helps you connect with people more and gain better connections. Making those connections can help you pursue other opportunities that you may never thought of.

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