As the guest speaker talked briefly about today, everyone is in the field of sales.  Whether you own a construction company or work at McDonalds, you had to do some sort of selling to get there.  Sales is typically just thought about as someone directly trying to sell you an object or service but it is more than that.

If you were to start a business, it would be impossible for you to make it without selling of some sort.  Even if you are in a field where you are not selling anything you have to sell the people on choosing you over someone else.  That is very important because if you od not do that, you will never get chosen.  When you interview for a job, you are selling yourself and why you should be hired to the person who is conducting the interview.  You are telling them why you would be a good choice and why you should be hired.

Even in traditional sales roles, you are doing more than just selling the product.  If you are selling cars, you are not just showing that the car is a good fit for the customer but also why you are a good fit to do business with.  If you are selling insurance, you are not only selling the policy, but also selling how the person buying the policy can trust that the insurance will have you covered in the event of something happening.  You are not only selling the product but you are also selling trust.

3 thoughts on “Everything is Sales”
  1. Hey there great post. This is such an important concept to understand. No matter where we are we can always be working as hard as we can. That we need to be able to make those connections with those around us that we can succeed at whatever we are doing.

  2. Hi Owen, I think you’ve had some great takeaways from our guest speaker. We are all in sales, which is an idea that is foreign to many of us. Before taking Professor Sweet’s class, I never would have realized I was in sales, even as a GCC student. I also think you brought up a good point about how sales is the art of selling trust. Trust is the foundation for building connections with others, which is critical in cultivating a genuine sales process.

  3. I think it is such a good point to remember that we are all in sales in some type of way. Not only are we selling products even when we don’t realize it, but we also may be selling ourselves! Like in interview situations we are selling ourselves to our potential employer.

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