So this is not any kind of rule or anything, but this was an interesting in-person example of an old time salesman.  So as we all know two dances are coming up, well me, my friends, and my boyfriend went out over the weekend to get some clothes for these dances.  We went to a department store to look for a suite for my boyfriend, and there we found the salesman that I am going to talk about.  This salesman in the suite section was rather aggressive.  As soon as we stepped into the section he approached us.  He wanted to know all about what the suite was for (which was pretty normal), but then he also wanted to know all about me and my boyfriend’s relationship and how long we have been together.  I know that we as salespeople should ask questions and get to know our potential customers, but this man was a little too much.  He got a little too personal and I know he was just trying to be nice, but he actually lost a potential sale because he made me and my boyfriend uncomfortable enough that we decided together to leave.  This little 20 minute interaction made me realize just how quickly and easily you can lose your sale.  There is such a fine line between being personable, talkative, and pleasant, and nosey, aggressive and downright creepy.   Anyway, that is my recent in person sales experience and it really helped show me some of the principles that we have learned in class.

2 thoughts on “Sales Experience Over The Weekend”
  1. Your experience really helps to show how difficult it is to be a good salesman. I agree with you that there is a very fine line between getting to know someone and asking too many personal questions so the customer feels uncomfortable. It can be easy for someone to lose a sale so it’s crucial for salespeople to read their client’s body language and understand how they are feeling so they can have an appropriate conversation. I hope you’re able to find a good suit in time for the event with help from a better salesman!

  2. Hey there nice post. I think your points were very interesting and understanding that line as to what would and would not work in that type of situation and how to be professional with other customers. It should be professional and not too many questions but you still want to understand who you are talking to and what they are interested in.

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