Everywhere you go people have different interests and hobbies. Some love video games, others love to go biking but as there are more and more people on the earth there are more and more opportunities to sell unique niche items to people that want them. Take for example the fitness industry. THe fitness  industry is enormous with so many categories some like to go biking others love to lift weights. Each one of these requires different equipment and products to be successful in that area of interest. Bikers need a bike certain shoes, water bottles that will fit the cage on their bikes and depending on what type of biking different helmets. whereas people who lift weights need different products. They need a place to go lift or the equipment to lift if they want a home gym. They need to have the right safety equipment depending on how heavy they are lifting as well as the right products to take care of their bodies outside of the gym.

Each of these niche categories require certain materials to obtain the goals the want and wit that come opportunities for people to sell to them. If salespeople can understand the pain of one of these niches they can understand how best to sell to them so they can get amazing profits. As well as help people reach the goals they are after. The more someone can understand their pain and what the issues are within these hobbies the best they can cater to their potential customers to maximize their profitability. Everyone is unique and thanks to the internet we can take advantage of this and find out what people are interested in and how to sell to them the best we can as salespeople and entrepreneurs.

One thought on “how selling niche products can be so succesful”
  1. I agree that selling to niche markets can be very profitable. In principles of marketing Dr. Powell talked about how focused companies that focus on one thing are often times more successful than other companies who do everything. This is kind of like selling to a niche market because it is focusing on a group of people with very distinct needs.

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