This semester, we have been talking about what sales is all about, some sales techniques, and how to be a good salesman. However, we never talked about reasons to go into sales in detail. Aside from the fact that going into sales can be very profitable, there are some other reasons you might not have thought of to become a salesman!

First, a sales position is very flexible. You can work as much or as little as you want, set your own schedule, and many salesmen have a good work-life balance. Salesmen can also plan their work around their personal activities and are still able to meet their sales quota. In addition, sales positions have variety in the type of work you can do. In sales, you will meet and form relationships with all different kinds of people, so it is a great experience to know how to interact with many kinds of customers. Sales also has a variety of the types of sales you can do. There is the standard sales role that you think of when you think of salesmen, but there is also inside sales, outside sales, non-sales selling, selling yourself, and many other kinds you can do!

Next, going into sales is an excellent way to learn how to relate to people and form relationships. We’ve already discussed that the main point of sales is to build relationships with people so there is mutual benefit. But learning how to build those kinds of long-lasting relationships in a short time is a very valuable skill and transferrable to other situations. You may not want to go into sales purely to learn how to form relationships, but there is one final reason that sales are a valuable role in today’s world.

Finally, one last reason to go into sales is the fact that you learn so many skills that are applicable in many different situations. You’ll learn how to understand people, you learn creativity, collaboration, conflict management, adaptability, customer service, storytelling, communication, the list goes on! All the skills you learn as a salesman can be applied to everyday scenarios, or in different professional fields, so it’s so much more than just persuasion. There are continuous skill development opportunities in sales, so you will never run out of chances to learn something new.

It may seem like sales is just a career stepping stone to greater achievements, but exploring sales positions are extremely beneficial, even if you are working towards a different goal. A sales position is flexible with variety in the type of work, you can learn how to build relationships, and learn many other transferrable skills that can help you in other areas of work. Overall, sales is worth your time to explore and see if it is right for you!

2 thoughts on “Why Go Into Sales?”
  1. I love this post. I think it is so cool how you talk about all the reasons of why you should go into sales. I loved the reason about sales being flexible. It is so true that you can work as much and as little as you want. Great Post!

  2. I think you make some really good points in this post. Everyone I believe should take at least one sales class in their school career, and maybe in their work career. Almost everything we do in our lives is in some way related to sales. We are selling ourselves to employers, selling something we want to our parents, or on the flip side being sold to throughout the day.

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