Whether we like it or not, the world is quickly moving to a world that increasingly functions and operates online. The business world is dramatically moving in this direction: websites like Amazon.com and Walmart.com are two of the most visited websites in the United States and for good reason: they are convenient, can offer better prices than retail locations, and have an endless amount of goods to choose from- they are not limited by the physical size of a retail location’s warehouse or store.

This means that businesses must adapt and must increasingly learn how to sell their product and services online. This article had some great tips that I wanted to share:

  1. Establishing the value and making your product or service irresistible
  2. Build a large mailbag and repeat
  3. Encourage a first time purchase and repeat purchases

Establishing the value of your product or service is important in physical and online sales, and business owners can use interesting marketing and technological strategies to help sell products better online than potentially in store (videos that give detailed demonstrations of their products, customer reviews, and 3-D tours).

Building a large mailbag and consistently adding new customers is a great strategy to be continually reminding customers about your product or service, and to increase your customer base.

Finally, encouraging a first time purchase and repeat sales means that companies can continue to build their customer base. Some strategies they can employ is sales on first time purchases and seasonal sales for certain items and industries.



Link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbooksauthors/2017/07/24/five-time-tested-tips-for-selling-anything-online/?sh=340a70d275ea

By Asher

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