For my final post I thought I would share how this class has helped me sell in a practical sense. When I am at home, I work part time as a salesperson at a local car dealership selling luxury cars. Some of the sales techniques that we have learned in class have helped me tremendously in this way.

When I first started selling cars I was mostly focused on product features and demonstrations: I thought that if I could answer all of my client’s questions, then I would become a great salesperson. While answering questions is a huge part of the sales role, it is not everything. As I have gained more experience selling and learning in the class, I have become much more focused on truly listening to the client and meeting their needs.

I think the greatest thing that I have learned is the ability to say no even when you are the one selling the product. There will be situations and certain clients where it is just not a good fit or you do not sell a product or service that can meet the clients’ needs.

Another great thing that I have learned is how to actively listen to the client. When a client feels heard and understood, true connections can be made with the client and you gain an understanding of what their pain is. This is the fundamental aspect of what selling is, if you can solve someone’s problems and more importantly their pain, you can help sell them products and services that are mutually beneficial.

Finally, the question of “where are you from?” instead of “what do you do?” is so powerful and is a small aspect of a conversation that can make all of the difference in the sales process and can lead to you becoming a more successful salesperson.

By Asher

One thought on “What I Learned”
  1. This is a great last post; its great to learn about sales and sales skills but the question of does this actually work is always there. So, its great to hear that the skills that we are learning in class are applicable in real life application. Thank you, and good luck selling!

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