Over the past couple of weeks we have had multiple guest speakers come into to talk to us about their stories and different sales techniques and skills they have used in their career to lead them to having successful careers and ultimately becoming great salesman. Each speaker at some point had mentioned the idea of always be closing which is a famous sales phrase that tells sales people to never give up on a sale. I like this idea but sometimes I think people take it the wrong way. Sometimes people can take it as to always be pushing their benefits to their product or service and can come off very pushy and turn off any client.

Finding the medium between coming off pushy and being persistent can be tough. I feel like as a sales person you have to able to pick up on social cues. It can be very clear when it comes to how people feel in the conversation based on their body language. When you see somebody slouched or touching their arms a lot and holding their shoulders, they are clearly uncomfortable and you either have adjust your approach or end the conversation. If you are going to stick to the phrase, “always be closing” then walking away is not an option. So, how do you close the sale when the client is clearly not interested?

When selling you should be doing more listening than talking, so if the client is acting like this then you are talking too fast and too much and are overwhelming your client. In this situation as our guest speakers have said, you have to ask them more questions about their products and get more insight from them. This way you are showing your interest in them instead of you just rambling on and on forcing your product or service on them. The client will feel safer and more like you are there to help then rather than you being a typical pushy salesman that is just trying to make a pay check. This is one of the many lessons I have learned from the various guest speakers that have come in to talk to us.

3 thoughts on “always be closing”
  1. I agree with you Dylan it can be hard to find this balance. I think that the traditional “ABC Mindset” may not be inherently “bad” or “wrong” and some people find it motivational to continue to sell their products or services. I do not think this mindset is totally wrong so long as you have your client’s best interests in mind and you are focused on a mutually beneficial sale. Nice article.


  2. It can definitely be hard to find the balance between being pushy and being persistent. Like you mentioned, reading body language and social cues is the key. Following the 70/30 rule will also be a safe bet to make sure you are putting the customer’s needs and desires first.

  3. Dylan, I like how you point out the importance of not coming off as too pushy to your clients. I think this is very important because their are a lot of people who will not do certain things because they feel they are being pushed, even if it is in there best interest to do so. When you become pushy you intrench the other side and staying away from this is very important to closing a sale.

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