I recently came across an article that I found to be really helpful in the world of sales. https://pleinairestrategies.com/2015/10/selling-with-perspective-the-defining-differentiator/#:~:text=What%20is%20Perspective%3F,result%20they%20want%20to%20achieve.

It begins by defining what perspective really is. A sales person’s ability to provide perspective is, in my opinion, the defining differentiator. Perspective is the polar opposite of a scripted canned pitch. Prospects want to deal with sales people who focus beyond the sale all the way to the result they want to achieve. It’s about truly using a collaborative process banded with a solution to solve discussions of value rather than falling back on a reliable product discussion. After thinking through these things, the article defines perspective as taking what you know, think, and experience and using it to create your own distinctive point of view. It’s converting input into insight. It’s being smart about the decision that has to be made in every interpersonal interaction.

Later in the article it talked about what sales people should do to differentiate. It said that when sales people follow a process, they intuitively focus on the prospect’s problems and immediately begin by understanding the situation and possible solutions. The more knowledgeable the sales person is about his solutions, the more apt he is to jump in too soon with a solution before the prospect has created a concept for a solution and has decided he wants to do something about it.

When all is said and done, only a salesperson’s integrity, patience, and problem-solving abilities can earn the trust required to carry the day.

One thought on “Selling with Perspective”
  1. I like how you defined the salesperson’s use of perspective as “converting input into insight.” I think that’s a helpful way to look at it. Nice post.

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