This post is largely due to the fact that I am in landscaping and I find myself in difficult situations with getting a price that fits the customer and doing a great job. Sometimes we can get really busy and the small crew that we have cannot keep up with the work. When reading through the article, “12 Sales Tips for the Landscape Industry to Increase Your Close Rates and Your Profits,” I am able see where I was going wrong and how I can improve my business.

One of the main points was to always respond to customers in a timely manner. This shows professionalism and that you are putting the customer first. Keeping the communication open and honest is a great way to differentiate your company from others. While this has been something that I do a good job of for my own landscape business, it can definitely be difficult especially when you are really busy. Another major important aspect is being able to execute week after week and not slowing down on progress. Landscaping is very taxing on the human body so there is a point where you don’t feel like you can keep going. There is also a point in not overworking yourself. It is really important to get at and understand the customers needs, and what they expect out of the job, and the customers priorities. If you can know the customers priorities and timeframe, then there will be a sense of trust and expectation. In doing these tips it will be easier for the company to thrive and the workers that help you will be happy because you are keeping steady work.

Overall, I think the tips have been very helpful because landscaping is an industry with the most turnover rate and also an industry where it is difficult keep and retain customers. The way that Dak Services beats most competitors is the price and Quickness of our jobs. While we don’t have the best or most expensive equipment, we do the best job we can do with the tools we have.

4 thoughts on “Sales Tips for Landscaping”
  1. I have done landscaping jobs before and I have realized that even in the small town I live in there is more than a few different landscaping companies. I even have seen a landscaping company that seemed to be doing fairly well with 10+ employees go belly up in one summer. It is definitely a competitive environment for sure.

  2. This was a pretty interesting post. It is cool to see how selling applies to the landscaping business and the specifics of how to improve your landscaping business. I think it is great that you have your own landscaping business and that you are doing research on how to improve the selling aspect of your business.

  3. This was really interesting to learn more about landscaping and how that directly relates to sales. “It is really important to get at and understand the customers needs, and what they expect out of the job, and the customers priorities.” This sentence stuck out to me the most and I thought perfectly captured this blog in a sentence.

  4. i found it intriguing that yiu mentioned landscraping and how it pertains to you. my parents own a tree cutting business named monster tree and my mom for the most part is in charge of sales. She actually updates her voicemail every week so that her customers know she checks it regularly. Price is also are hard thing to determine.

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