When talking to a prospective client it is important to obviously evaluate the needs they have as well as analyze the pain they experienced.  However, sometimes the customer may have a problem where they do not realize that a more expensive option is what they need, and now you have to try to prove this to them without making it seem like you are trying to upsell them to put more money in your pocket.  For example, if a construction company owner comes into a ford truck dealership and thinks he needs a plain f250 with a gasoline motor in it to haul heavy equipment, but in reality he needs something much bigger like an f350 with a diesel motor in it, you have to try and show them this and try to keep them from making a bad decision.  This is a very tricky situation to be in because if the client is persistent and will not listen to you and they end up buying something that is not suited for what they need it for it will also reflect poorly on you.  It is important to find a balance and make the customer feel like you are looking out for their best interests instead of trying to upsell them on something they feel like they do not actually need.

3 thoughts on “Trying not to Upsell”
  1. I think the sentence that you put explaining the pain and problem is perfect. Sometimes the customer may have a problem where they do not realize that a more expensive option is what they need, and now you have to try to prove this to them without making it seem like you are trying to upsell them to put more money in your pocket.

  2. This is a very key concept and can be very tricky in practice. I think what pairs well with understanding how to educate but also not upsell is answering a question with a question. You can get the buyer to a point of purchasing the more expensive but fitting product if you can properly understand their need and educate them on what it will take to fill that need.

  3. i really apprecate how you used a scenario you seemingly are very familiar with to explain the situation. the minute you mentioned something about a f246 or something like that i knew I was not going to get it which I didn’t. nonetheless, it was well worded and overall at least made sense

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