This semester I had the honor of privilege of once again taking a Professor Sweet class; I took sales for a startup. As are most of Sweet’s classes, sales were very much relaxed and often contained some form of laughter during the lecture. grades consisted of the midterm, the final, and blog posts. As always the books Sweet told us to read in class were very much intriguing and delt/ mentioned anything from extraverts, introverts, and ambiverts to Fuller Brush Men from the 50’s to 60’s era. They were easy to read, not long segments, and were often going to be mentioned and retaught in class anyways. Guest speakers would sometimes join and give us their own advice on sales from their personal experiences. Every speaker brought something new to the table. One of them being the extremely charismatic and fast-talking head coach here at GCC. Another speaker Even Adams offered and recommended multiple different books on sales and actually gave some to students based on if they needed them. Once again as grades go, there is only the midterm and the final as well as blog post (aka this one).

Some of the key lessons I have learned in this class are how important it is to be completely genuine and trustworthy with potential customers and to prioritize their needs. Everything I’ve learned isn’t just from a book or lectures. They are things that I have actually practiced out, in front of the whole class, and have grown even more since then. Even though it was just Monday. This class I recommend to any majors. It goes into deeply about “moving people” whether you are in healthcare or education. There is even a whole unit/ chapter for Ed-med. By listening to others you can help them to achieve what they really want and find that special thing. Overall everyone should join.

By Tessa

One thought on “GCC Entr pt 3: Sales for a Startup”
  1. I agree that sales is really useful for all professions. Each person needs a basic understanding of how to move people for every position.

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