During our class discussions, Professor Sweet has talked more about going for the no. After thinking and talking about this more, I have seen how effective this could be. Going for the no sometimes gets you the yes. The single biggest difference between sales people who achieve mediocre success and sales people who achieve great success is that great sales people have a different attitude about rejection.
In my Marketing 104 class we talked about this idea as well. Telling someone about the leaky roof in one part of the house that you are going to fix, makes them a lot more willing to trust you as a seller. You are telling them something that might get you rejected but it can also encourage the seller that you are honest and forthcoming.

4 thoughts on “Go for the NO”
  1. This is great, Karis! I think sales people get so hung up on trying to close the sale that they forget the purpose of closing the sale – which is helping the customer. If you can’t fulfill their need, it’s better for both of you to move on!

  2. This is very true. Sometimes it can look good to just say no. It shows that you are not desperate for business and know your limits.

  3. It is honestly the best when different classes that do not really seem to have anything in common mention the same ideals. that’s happened to me this year with asking the right questions

  4. This is very helpful because a lot of the time, customers can make up reasons why they don’t want to buy that are not true. When asking “so thats a no?” can reshape their thinking to ask themselves, why am I saying no in the first place? This also clears the air and provides clarity

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