Most people think of a sales process that involves two businesses and think that in most cases the business purchasing the good or service often looks into the seller to make sure they are a trustworthy company. This is often true. However, many seem to overlook the fact that many sellers also look into the buy to make sure they are a company the seller wishes to work with. This is done for several different reasons. The first one is somewhat clear the seller want to insure that the buyer is a honest company that will not be involved in any scandals or massive investigations. This would hurt the seller as now their name would be linked to the name of a company who’s character and morals are now in question. Second, the seller must ensure the buyer has the resources necessary to purchase the good and or service. This is far more prevalent when the good is customized for the buyer and would cost a large sum of money to develop and then produce. The seller must ensure the buy has sufficient funds to pay for this especially if the amount owed is payed in instalments over a period of time. By doing this the seller ensure that at the end of the day they will not be the ones left holding the bag. These are just two of the main reasons this is done but there are several more. Overall, companies are just like people. Their public image is based off of what they do, how well they do it, and who they are seen around and associate with.  Due to this, companies must make sure their clients are worthy of being a client before they enter into any deal or sale with them as not doing this could end up hurting the sellers public image.

One thought on “Why it is Important to Choose Qualified Clients”
  1. This is a very interesting take on the sales process. Not many people think about qualified clients and their importance but they are a very important part of the process.

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