This summer, I will be learning to sell airtime for a local radio station! After taking this class, there are a lot of things that I am looking forward to trying in a sales role!

First and foremost, I’m looking forward to meeting people. That’s one of the wonderful things about being a salesperson – you get to meet a lot of people, and typically in a relatively small-group or one-on-one setting, which is wonderful.

I’m looking forward to learning about the people and businesses I meet. I’m looking forward to learning about what they do, what drives them, the history of their companies, and where they aspire to go in the future. That last part is the most special, because hopefully, I’ll be able to help them get there!

Additionally, I’m looking forward to helping businesses get the word out about what they have to offer, and help get customers through their door. I look forward to working with them to find ways to help them communicate more effectively and to help them grow, finding solutions to their communication problems. I look forward to bringing in some revenue for the group of stations I’ll be working for, too.

I look forward to getting to know the radio business better, too. Radio runs on sales – without sales, the lights and transmitter don’t come on, and the licensing fees for music can’t be payed either. Sales is the sole revenue driver of radio, and is absolutely essential for a station.

Finally, I look forward to benefitting the community. Working for a local group of stations featuring mostly advertisements from local businesses, there’s no question that my work will benefit the community, too. Because by bringing in revenue through my sales, the stations can continue to serve the community with local news and great content.

I’m looking forward to all of that and more working as a salesperson this summer!

3 thoughts on “What I’m Looking Forward To In My Sales Position This Summer”
  1. I really like how you are able to relate our class to a future experience. I think that the one of the best things to do to build your sales ability is though the process of selling.

  2. Super cool you got this psotion! It will certainly give you an edge that you took this course. Hands on involvement when real money is involved will help you take this knowledge and apply it this summer. Best of luck!

  3. It’s awesome to see you write about what we have discussed many times before. I hope you enjoy your sales job this summer and you gain valuable experience there!

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