It’s Girl Scout Cookie Season.  The time of the year, when you can’t go to the grocery store, church fellowship hall, or in our case, the Student Union, without facing a cookie craving and massive guilt trip from the cutest little salespersons you’ll ever see. Perhaps the country’s most ubiquitous and darling people-movers, these badge-clad girls have mastered some of the basic sales principles at an early age.

1.  Ask probing questions

“What kind of cookie would you like to buy, sir?”  Boom, you’ve got no out.  And five boxes of Thin Mints.

2. Identify Pain

“Do you think your wife or kids would like some cookies?”  AKA “Do you want to score Dad points today or be a disappointment to your family?”

3. Don’t Spill Your Candy

Have you ever heard a Girl Scout explain how many calories are in an entire box of cookies?  (Because we all know you can’t just eat one….box.)  Of course not!  Some things are best left unsaid.

And if you aren’t convinced yet that these Scouts have a knack for Sales, check out this adorable Taylor Swift parody.  DISCLAIMER: Girl Scouts won’t actually set you on fire if you don’t buy their cookies.  But your family/roommate




3 thoughts on “Thin Mints, anyone?”
  1. I really like how to related the sales concepts that we are learning to girl scouts, who have been all over the SAC lately. I think it is interesting to think of little kids using sales techniques, particularly because they are so effective. I also really loved the Taylor Swift video, that was hilarious!

  2. Awesome post – and right on girl! My family would stash these like crazy, which means they girls did a really good job because my mom detests large quantities of junk food. Other than the three you mentioned, I think one of the best sales tactics that the girls employ (in a backwards sort of way) is invoking your empathy – because of course we all remember when we tried to sell things at that age and how awesome it felt when someone finally bought from us! Thus, especially being morally-conscious Grovers, we feel compelled to give back. But anyways, it’s been crazy to watch how girl-scout selling techniques have gotten more complex and intense over the years!

  3. Wow this is a great parallel to what were learning about in class. I think it just goes to show, it is good to be simple. When you overflow someone with too much information they get lost. Girl Scouts get right to the point and you can’t help but buy a few boxes. To be honest though, I’m not a big fan of thin mints. Tagalongs though, now were talking!

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