In a sales conversation, keeping control is a big step in allowing the client to get from A to Z quickly. If you have control, you can guide them to the finish line. This seems like an easy concept to grasp, but understanding it practically is big.

Hands Off

Domination does not equal control, it equals losing. Control does not require you to dominate the conversation, in fact, dominating it will keep you out of control because it seems desperate. Asking questions, as much as possible, is key because it allows your to control the direction of the conversation, while they are just giving details along the way.


If there is a lull in the conversation, or a prospect is taking a long time to reply, it is important to maintain confidence. This means not trying to talk your way to safety, but rather, allowing the silence to show the client you are unfazed.

In summary, controlling the conversation is important, which most know. However, thinking about applying this knowledge is what makes it impact your approach.

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