This class has been an awesome class for my personally this year. I felt that even thought I am a finance major i wish i was an entrepreneurship major. This class has taught me the basics on how to sell and it is something that i will carry with my the rest of my life because as we were taught, we are always selling and it is always beneficial to be able to sell and be smart. If I had to conclude this class in a short couple paragraphs I would say the main key points that I took away were the importance of body language, talk less and ask questions, and be genuinely engaged.

The reason I chose these three over the other many important factors that we learned is because I felt that they affected my individual life the most and were so helpful to my learning. I chose body language because it is how you talk with out talking, in the next example i say talk less and because you are talking less you can use your body language to talk for you. Next, you should talk less and ask questions because it gets your customer talking and giving away their pain. Finding the subjects pain is the main goal because then we can help them find a solution to their pain and succeed in the sale. Lastly, we want to be able to be genuinely engaged in the conversation that we are having with the customer. If you was obviously there to sell them a product for a profit then it will never work. But if you show the person that you actually care about them and the best for them then they will trust you and actually listen to what you have to offer.

Overall, sales is a difficult field where you will mostly find failure. But in the searching through the failure for the success is what makes it fun. It is the journey that is the most fun for sales as in lots of other things. I think that this class translates to the real world the most of any class I have taken here at the Grove and I loved every second of it.


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