This blog post will outline the four reasons why you should walk in your customers shoes. I found an article on this topic on instagram and thought it made a lot of sense and was something that a lot of people could relate to. The most important part of this is to truly believe in this process and step outside of your own shoes. So, with that being said, the four reaons that you should walk in your customers shoes is: 1. Understand customer pain points, 2. Find the weakest part of your business, 3. Learn your business’ strengths, 4. Create win-win scenarios.

  1.  Understand customer pain points: This has been something that we have talked about in this class the whole year is finding the pain so this should be a very self explanatory one that answers the main points on this.
  2. Find the weakest part of our business: This is important because it will help you to grow as a company. Without growth there can be no gain and without gain there can be no company.
  3. Learn the strengths of your business: Learning what you are the best at is never a bad option because it will help you to become a more efficient worker and be able to capitalize on your strengths.
  4. Create win-win scenerios: This basically means that you should always look out for the customer as much as yourself. Which is a great way to look at the scenerio becasue is makes everyone happy

Overall I believe that these 4 reasons justify greatly why you should walk in your customers shoes.

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