I was scrolling through TikTok when swiped to a TedTalk talking about rejection therapy. Basically the main premise behind it was that the goal should be rejection. You should be so familiar with failure you are desensitized to its effects. The speaker Jia Jing sights an example where for 30 days he asked for requests so ridiculous he knew he was gonna get rejected. He walked into Burgerking asking for a “burger refill”. But he also employs people to not quickly accept the no because “no” could lead to a “yes”. He sights an example where he asked a stranger if he could plant a flower in their backyard, this stranger rejected this offer. Jing asked why not and he stated he had a dog who dug up everything he could and planting the flower would be wasteful. The friend then referred to his friend who was happy to receive that flower. His main thesis was failure will paralyze you if you let it.

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