In sales being face to face is the best way to make a sale. There are other ways to make a sale such as phone calls, zoom calls, etc. but the undisputed best way to sell something is to talk to someone face to face. The trick is how do you learn how to sell before you get put in a situation where you either sell or you don’t make money. This is where practice in a mock situation is helpful. In class, I learned how valuable being able to practice in a safe low-risk environment is very valuable. The thing that made our in-class practices so helpful was that there were no serious consequences but there was still the consequence of getting a bad grade. This added some risk and made us take it seriously without having to worry about failing miserably. I think that if there were more opportunities for people to practice selling and using sales techniques then I think that would be valuable for all future salespeople.

If there was a way to foster these practice experiences then I think that we would have much better salespeople. The trick is trying to have an effective practice situation with some stakes involved but not make it so serious that the salespeople that are practicing cant learn from it. You would also need to have people that can act like the people that are being sold to. These people would need to be able to respond positively to some of the sales techniques but not all of them and they would need to respond and adapt to the situation realistically. If this was possible then I think that future salespeople would benefit greatly from this and they would be able to go into the workforce with some experience.

Here's What Practicing Does to Your Brain (and How to Do It Right) |

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