In sales you are going to fail, that is a given. You will never be perfect and you most likely fail a lot before you finally succeed this is all part of the process. the key is being able to handle this rejection and keep going. If you allow yourself to get discouraged and give up because you fail a couple of times then you will never succeed like you want to. Selling takes a special type of person to be very good at and the best thing is that everyone can do it. In order to excel at sales, there are a few things you need to do.

  1. learn from your failures – if you can try to learn something from every failure you experience then you will be much better after your failures. You need to learn something and truly implement what you have learned into your sales process. For example, if you learn that features don’t sell but benefits do you should use that next time you try to do a sales call.
  2. Keep a positive attitude – if you can keep a positive attitude and stay buoyant every time you fail. You need to tell yourself that failure and rejection are a part of sales and if you can get past that and not get discouraged then you will eventually succeed.
  3. observe the people that don’t fail as much – if you find yourself in a situation where you are failing time after time, try to find someone who is succeeding most times and try to get some advice or emulate what they are doing correctly to fit your style.

Toxic Positivity: Don't Always Look on the Bright Side | Psychology Today

One thought on “handling rejection”
  1. Great points, Logan! I especially like your point about observing those who don’t fail as much. Chances are, they failed a lot at one point too. They will be able to offer advice and encouragement from the perspective of someone who was in your shoes, and is now much better at selling. Thanks for sharing!

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