Having Adam Lowe in class on Friday was very interesting and helpful because he was able to bring the perspective of someone who has worked in sales for a long time and has a lot of wisdom to share about the business.  The thing that he said that stuck out to me the most was when he was talking about the farmer.  He talked about how a farmer can make the field ready, plant the seed, and work hard, but he cannot make it rain.  Without God’s providence and will, he cannot produce crop.

I think this a very important lesson for me to think about because I know we have talked about separating personal and professional success and I think that applies to the idea of the farmer and the rain.  Failure is a real possibility when it comes to sales and you are not always in control of whether you succeed or fail.  Adam’s reminder that we will only prosper because God gives a success is a good thing to keep in mind.  I don’t want to let myself think that it is all within my power or control because it isn’t.  There are many tools, tactics, and leads I can use but they are not guarantees in themselves.

One thought on “Adam Lowe”
  1. Great post, Taylor! I found Adam Lowe’s talk very insightful as well. It reminded me of the principle “The Real You vs. The Role You”. Very important for anyone, especially a Christian, working in sales.

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