My brother is a bull rider/volunteer firefighter, and everything he does depends on him being able to sell his skills and what he is able to do. As a volunteer firefighter you don’t get paid, and he is currently working to become a paid firefighter, but to do that he needs to show that he has and understands certain skills and concepts, basically selling who he is as a person, what he knows, and the skillset he has in order to be promoted to a paid firefighter position. On the bull-riding front he needs to show that he can ride a bull, and do so well in order to compete at bull-riding events. Now in bull-riding you only get points if you stay on the bull the whole 8 seconds, and he needs to show off his skills and what he can do in order to get points, which in turn will place him allowing him to win. He’s not selling himself in the traditional way, by talking to people, but having to show off his skillsets in order to further himself. He’s not just talking the talk, but walking the walk as well.

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