Be QuietSo here we are again learning how to deal with the painfully annoying picky customer. Last time we talked about how just being a great listener and being patient with the customer is one of the best ways to approach the situation. It is great to hear from all you who shared your stories and experiences as well. This week we are going to talk about how you can calm the customer down and take control of the situation so that it can become a less stressful situation.

Speak Softly and Slow the Roll

In a situation where the customer is animated and ready to get his way no matter what, it is up to the seller to take control but in a very passive way. When a customer is screaming and just being very forceful and demanding, the seller needs to step up to the situation and calm things down by speaking slowly and quietly, however while not sacrificing firmness.

Difficult huh? I’d say. If you do not the customer will tighten up and you could lose the sale because they feel they are being attacked and being sold something that they didn’t want. These customers are very difficult to work with because emotions are contagious. Just like in a sports game. If one player is pumped up, it is a lot easier for the rest of the team to get pumped up. If the customer is very animated and emotional it is a lot easier for the seller to get the same way and that will not be an effective sale or situation.

I think it is important here to notice how much consistence is needed in sales. Yes you need to have a lot of different faces and approaches to a situation, but you should always have the no pressure conversation style sales approach, especially in a market where people do not want to be sold.

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