Salesman come in all shapes and colors. They all have some unique aspect to them, whether that be good or bad. You see the typical car salesman in the movies that are pushy and eccentric. Than you also see the business salesman that are seen as tough and knowledgeable. I am going to go over my top 3 qualities that I think a good salesman should have:  Relationship skills,  Communication  skills, and  Product knowledge.

The first quality that I think a salesman should have is good relationship building skills. In order to make the connections with a customer that will encourage them to buy your product or service you will need to have a relationship with the customer. You want to treat the client as a person and a friend, not just as another sale. You want to connect with them and understand the problem that they are experiencing. Some salesman choose to do hard sales, which sometimes works, but you increase the chances of having the client come back to you if they were to have another problem arise.

The second quality that I think a salesman should possess is to maintain good communication with the client. Nobody likes being left in the dark, especially when you are about to purchase something whether that be a big ticket item or a service for your elderly mother. The client wants to be in the know at all times about what they are getting themselves into. If you as a salesman keep your client in the loop, the less likely that they will get frustrated with you.

The third top quality that I think a salesman should have is to have a great deal of product knowledge. Although creating that relationship with a customer and communicating with them is important, at the end of the day you are selling something. You as the salesman want to be able to equip the customer with as much knowledge that you can. Say that for some reason you do not know the answer to a question, you should have the knowledge of who to refer the customer to in order for them to get the answer to their question

Overall, I would say that you should be a confident yet a caring salesman in your field. Again, I want to reiterate the importance of treating the client like a person not just another sale of your product or service. Make the customer feel understood, heard, and cared for. Have the sale feel like a luxury not a pain for the customer.

2 thoughts on “Good Qualities For A Salesman To Have”
  1. Molly I love your post. It was well thought out and I find your ideas really interesting. I feel like at times, these qualities are lost when it comes to selling, but at the core of a salesperson should always be remembered and prioritized. Also, I love the pictures definitely made me smile!

  2. This post is very interesting on how a good salesman should have a good relationship building skills, good communcation, great deal of the product knowledge. I agree that the future salesman should confident and caring in the field. And for sure the customer is understood, heard, and cared for.

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