Over time, the stereotype of salespeople has become very negative. As times have changed, the number of salespeople has seen an increase, and most people still associate salespeople with negative characteristics.

Most salespeople tend to come off as very aggressive. Part of the job is convincing a customer into making a purchase, and you have to find the middle ground in order to persuade the customer into making the purchase. Making aggressive demands and scare tactics can drive a customer away instead of pulling them in, and most salespeople struggle with this. Salespeople can be deceptive, pushy, and manipulative. For some, they come up with lies about the products they are selling, creating false claims to lure the customer in. Lacking knowledge on the product you are selling is also a negative trait associated with salespeople. When promoting a product, if you are unable to answer a certain question or problem a customer may have, you will push a customer away and possibly lose out on sales because of it.

Online sales may have an even more negative connotation than regular salespeople.  Salespeople tend to make unsolicited calls or visits to customers that are not interested or do not want to be bothered, annoying and disrupting a customer’s day. Salespeople who earn a higher commission and lower salary may prioritize selling their product than building a relationship with a customer and ignoring their best interests. Building lasting relationship can be more important than the money you make, and salespeople need to prioritize the interactions instead of the sales.

One thought on “Negative Aspects of SalesPeople”
  1. Agreed, in order to not just make the sale, but to have a lasting relationship, make sure to cater to their needs and desires. Potential customers do not want to be pushed around and be harassed by the salesman. They just need your help. Be sure to treat them well and to ask plenty of good questions to learn as much as you can before you try and sell them anything. Gravitate towards fixing their problem, that’s most often what they desire.

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