As we have talked about in class, many people see sales people as sleezy and slimy.  This is because of the old non relationship based sales plans that people used to follow.  Although this isn’t often the case nowadays, it still can be at times.  Personally, when I was looking to buy a used car in high school I went to a used car dealership because I had seen online that they had a vehicle I was interested in. I walked in and asked to check it out and he said, with a mouth full of sandwich, “I am on lunch, here’s the keys”.  He then tossed me the keys to the car, so I went out and checked the car out for about 25 minutes and he never came out.  I then walked in and he immediately said, well if you buy it now I can drop the price down.  He did all of this while still eating the sandwich.  I said I wasn’t interested and he told me that it was exactly what I needed even though he hadn’t asked me anything about my ideas.  He showed me that he had no interest in my needs or a relationship with me as a buyer.  Quite sleezy of him and of course it was at a used car salesman which is often the exact person they use to describe and portray a sleezy salesman.

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