When it comes to sales, it is not always about the pitch, however, it is always a good idea to keep one handy about your product for any time. Often times, some businesses are looking to pitched to about your idea so they can go through some quick decision making about your product or company idea. In addition, some of these pitch ideas and tips can be applied to everyday business life as well and if utilized wisely, you may walk out with a new customer.

Here are some of the top tips given:

  1. You need to be clear and concise.
  2. Identify and address your target market: make sure you know who you are talking to and how they relate to you and your product.
  3. Problem solving: explain how your idea will solve the problems that they face.
  4. Give practical examples of your solution to their problems.
  5. Make sure to root your pitch in facts and data: do you research so you are not caught off guard.
  6. CTA – Call to action: make sure that you end your visit with a follow-up action.
    1. Give them your contact info, business card, or even just email them later to make sure that they are still a potential customer of you and your product.

More details with these tips:

When you present your ideas, make sure not to use any excess wordage, this will only lose your potential customer. They want you to get right and to the point of what your product is so that they know whether to buy into it or not.

When you are in the process of identifying your target customers, make sure to speak broadly to the people you are wanting to connect with, this will allow you to not create a super tight and niche group. This will also prevent alienating potential customers as a whole.

When giving a practical example, make sure to paint them the perfect picture so that it tailors to their needs and desires to solve their ultimate problem. The main reason for your product and your focus should be to solve a problem that multiple people are facing. Help them understand how it can be solved when they have no idea what to do about it.


In conclusion, these tips can be a major help in the business world and how entrepreneurs can use these techniques to help them get their ideas out into the market. These tips can also be used throughout daily life in most circumstances when it comes to communicating to the people around you.

10 perfect sales pitch examples and how to write your own – CloudTalk



One thought on “Need Advice? Sales Pitch Time”
  1. I like this sales post. It gives some very helpful tips on how to get your point across when you are giving a sales pitch. Some sales pitches tend to be exhausting and long, I think that it is very important to be quick and clear when pitching something.

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