I think having Coach DiDonato in as a guest speaker was an awesome time. I will be honest I was a little skeptical because I wasn’t sure what I could learn about sales from a football coach, but little did I know that he used to be in sales. I also learned that he also does his own form of sales for Grove City College through recruiting kids for the football team. I really liked his sales funnel approach that he taught us in class.

The pre-call analysis was the first part before even entering the funnel. You want to do some research on who you are speaking to, to see what information you can gain before even meeting up with them.

The need analysis was the first part when entering the sales funnel. You want to ask general and open ended question to leave room for the “customer” to give you some information about themselves, and possibly give the two of you some common ground to work with.

The need awareness section is the second aspect of the sales funnel. You are to find the pain or the need that the client is having and why they are talking to you in the first place.

The need solution will be the part where you have the features tell and the benefits sell. I think that you are trying to at this point define the solution that is being sold.

The final part of the sales funnel is the need satisfaction. Here is the part where you finally ask the client for the business, whether that be for your service or product. You are asking them if they are willing to invest.

While you are going through the sales funnel, you are also keeping the 4 aspects of selling in your mind when talking to the client: Spiritual, Social, Mental, and Physical. These will help define a lot for the client and will help you as the salesman to better understand who you are talking to.



One thought on “Coach DiDonato – The Sales Relationship”
  1. Coach Didonato is a great speaker and a great salesman! I have known coach Dido for a while now and I learn something new every time I hear him speak. I do really like his funnel concept. When we ask open ended questions, it not only allows them to speak more, but it also shows that we care. Closed ended questions do not really have a lot of thought behind them from both sides.

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