you are always selling. I woke as a contractor and am constantly selling. This type of sales is completely relationship based, I know that I am winning when the client trusts me to work in their house when and work without being present, trusting me with their house and possessions. If it is possible to build this type of trust there is almost a grantee of future work with the same client. building this trust starts with a client starts with communication, asking them questions and their opinion even on the smallest changes to the plan. If client starts a conversating with you, humor them, building that relationship in the moment is far more important that anything you are working on. stack being polite and an easy person to work with and quality work and you are on your way to being the contractor that they call for the next 20-30 years.

3 thoughts on “trust”
  1. This is helpful Craig. Trust is important not only for a one-to-one relationship with individual clients, but also for reputation. Not only will they probably come back to you for business, but they will probably refer you to other people they know looking for the same kinds of services. The alternative to trust can create great harm, not only with regards to not receiving that one client’s business, but also limiting the potential number of clients that could be gained through that one individual.

  2. Craig I totally agree that trust is an incredibly important part of sales. Without it you can quickly lose buyers both new and old. As a salesman trust is everything because in a world of information access truth and trust must be apparent.

  3. Craig, this is great. I agree, a relationship is of the utmost importance in sales. This trust will make or break a sale, and is becoming more and more important in the modern era of sales

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