Coach D spent most of his time telling us about how we cannot be a good salesman if we pigeon hole our customer.  To start the sale conversation in the right path we have to do our research.  Without doing research we may enter the conversation with an idea of what we need to focus on, that doesn’t actually help the customer in their wants and needs.  If we go in full boar at an idea that we think is important it doesn’t let the buyer feel heard and may not answer their pain.  After the research he emphasized asking open ended questions.  Asking these open ended questions forces the buyer to talk to us and voice what they need.  These open ended questions must be general enough that the answer, not the question, decides what the focus of the conversation is.  If we ask short, closed questions they can answer in only a yes or no and that leads us nowhere.  The general questions leads to an answer that will either on the surface or deep down, show us what the buyer is really interested in.  Letting the customer drive the conversation towards their pains creates an atmosphere and conversation that makes them feel heard and that whatever your selling is something that can fulfill their needs.  Pigeon-holing your buyer can be the easiest but worst thing to do to ruin your sales conversation.

3 thoughts on “Coach D: Staying out of the pigeon hole”
  1. Yes! I also liked how in class, Coach gave us a great example of what not to do and how not to sell. His introduction, acting like the stereotypical salesman, was spot on to what runs through my mind when I think about a salesperson. It is important to not come off as too pushy, and actually have the buyer’s best interest at heart. This will create positive PR for a business and will help you thrive in the long run.

  2. Ryan I completely agree. Its was thought provoking when coach talked about how easy is is to push a client in a certain way with they needs. Pushing people is something that can be done in a completely unconscious manor. but it is so important to ask questions that have been though out as to not pigeon hole people.

  3. I think Coach did a great job in class presenting to us the facts of what successful salespeople use to get their sales. I also really enjoyed how he gave us examples of all different backgrounds to present his points.

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