S. Truett Cathy, Chick-fil-A Founder, Dies at 93 - The New York TimesTrudy Cathy White, daughter of Truett Cathy (founder of Chick-fil-A), came to share her father’s story as a Christian businessman. It was not easy to start a business in general, let alone a business that stuck to high moral standards and Christian values. She described the perseverance it takes to be successful in the business world. She also mentioned Luke 1:47 which reads, “with God, all things are possible.” Without the passion and perseverance granted to him by our Heavenly Father, Truett Cathy could not have started such a meaningful and successful restaurant known today as Chick-fil-A.  

Perseverance is a mandatory skill in sales. It requires complete dedication to your purpose, in spite of trials. Truett Cathy suffered the loss of his business partners, the burning of a restaurant building, and many anti-Christian views still prominent today, many of which were the enemy’s way of trying to throw him off track. His perseverance and focused purpose to “Glorify God,” got him through. Likewise, it is the duty of ALL Christians in the business world to follow that same purpose. We are to reflect our Creator and strive to be more like him every day. To the salesperson, this means resisting the temptation to seek wealth and instead being kingdom seekers. For Truett Cathy, this meant turning down many opportunities for instant financial gain, but as seen through his story, God had a greater purpose in mind that came with time. While not every sales story looks similar to Truett Cathy’s story, his story serves as an example of God’s sovereignty over his people.

Trudy Cathy White (@TrudyCathyWhite) | TwitterTrudy Cathy White said that “the legacy you lead is the life you are living right now.” Instead of being like every ‘pushy’ salesman you see on television, scamming customers and deceiving the naive, Christians are called to continue the legacy of Christ. We are to display this in our work, in honesty and dedication to God’s people, this means our customers as well.

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