I was made clear to me just how important each and every question is when in a sale, by Coach DiDonato. He made it abundantly clear that the questions that you as should always give the clients the reigns in the conversation. While you are pin pointing the questions to help open the clients up to find their pain points, however during this process the client is leading the way, this is key! If you are trying to lead the conversation then you are assuming that you know where each of the clients pain points are, this is foolish. Besides this being a good way to find out how best to help the client and bring resolution to their problem; you are building more trust that you know by leading the conversation but letting the client make every decision as to where the conversation goes.

Loved what the Coach had to say!

3 thoughts on “Asking Questions”
  1. It was also very clear me too about asking questions such has opened ended questions when you are selling anything. I agree with you its important to build that trust during the process of selling something.

  2. I completely agree that asking broad questions is an invaluable tool to get the person you are talking to to share what their true pains and needs are. I would also add that it is important to make sure that you maintain control of the situation, while continuing to ask guiding questions that will help to narrow in on an issue. It was great to have Coach D. in class, he was very engaging, and did an excellent job of making the subject seem simple and applicable.

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