Hearing Coach Didonato speak about his sales experience and how he become such a good salesperson was very interesting and I learned a lot from it. The sales funnel taught me tons of information just based on the 5 things he talked about and how to become good at them. First, pre-call analysis is a very important step in selling an idea or product to someone. You must have knowledge of the situation you are going in to and who you are pitching your product too. The first step of the funnel was Need Analysis. Seeing how Dido rephrased his words into sentences that had nothing to do with the product in any way was amazing and really cool to hear. How he is able to manipulate a sentence that most of the students thought was a good idea for selling the product was fascinating. He really showed how much actually goes into the sales process and how difficult it can be for some people, especially when they have the wrong motives. An important phrase I remember him saying that stuck with me is “Features tell, benefits sell.” The features of the product no one really cares about, it’s the benefit they get from the said product and what profit that will obtain from purchasing or investing into your business. Most salespeople focus on the product they are trying to sell, not the person or business they are selling too, and that can get them caught up and be the result of not closing on a sales opportunity.

Another important thing I learned from the talk is how he was committed to bringing his faith and work together. Being a salesperson can distract from what really matters, and when you are able to do the work through and for him, the rewards you will weep from that are far greater than any amount of cash can bring you.

3 thoughts on “Coach D. Sales Advice”
  1. Coach Didonato is one of the greatest individuals I have ever met. He is a man who truly knows how to sell. He sold me on Grove City to come play football and it has surely been one of the best decisions of my life. His intentionality was what always stood out to me. I have not played for him in over three years and he still knows my name and will stop to talk to me. In sales, this is important showing that intentionality. Show that you are not there to talk about yourself or your product but instead how to help the customer.

  2. I’m with you 100%. That man has got moxie. My biggest takeaway from was how he brougth every step in the sales funnel back to what the CUSTOMER needed, not what you could give them. It totally flipped the conventional way of looking at sales on it’s head. The whole feature vs benefit contrast was a brilliant one. I also agree that the highlight of his talk was his passion for bringing his faith into everything that he does – including the way that he sells! Great post!

  3. I really like how you focused on the funnel that coach taught us in class. this funnel does a great job leading us, the seller, to take the client down a path that is not confining for them. This is key because we aren’t choking the client into a certain path or a catch. the triangle also builds trust at the same time.

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