Coach Andrew DiDonato, the head coach of the football team came to speak with us last Wednesday.  He talked about how there are 3 parties in every sale, and most sales people make the mistake of focusing on the wrong party.  There is the buyer, the seller, and the product.  Some salespeople will make the grievous mistake of only talking about themselves, but most make the mistake of talking only about the product.  The key is to focus on the buyer.  You must ask general open ended questions to learn about the needs of the buyer.  You can later ask probing questions to help the buyer realize that your product will solve their problem.  Finally, you need to prospect to realize that your product is the solution to their problem, and then follow up with asking for their business.

4 thoughts on “Lessons from the Coach”
  1. I really enjoyed when Coach Andrew DiDonato came to talk to us in class! It was very interesting learning about the 3 parties that are part of every sale that happens. His views focuses on the buyer are very interesting how to ask open ended questions and not yes or no questions.

  2. I agree, being able to hear what Coach DiDonato had to say what intriguing. His three focus groups was very insightful for those of us who are going to be in sales in the future. Being able to understand how to talk to prospective customers in a conversational way is also very effective, especially when the questions are open-ended. You do for sure want to be focused on finding info about the customer and digging into their interests and desires will surely help that.

  3. Great stuff. The way coach talked about the three parties of the sale was very fascinating. Usually most people think that it is just them and the customer. Ironically even with this mindset many salespeople only focus on the third party- the product. As an entrepreneurs it can be difficult to remember to focus on the customer and to control some of that incredible enthusiasm for the product we have worked hard to create.

  4. I completely agree! I think Coach had a lot to offer and the emphasis of the three parties might have been really simple but can be easily overlooked and forgotten. Great job!

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