ABC always be closing. It’s as easy as ABC 123, ehh, some kind of gimmick like that… In the past and still today, salespeople are notorious for their aggressive selling techniques and do-or-die approach. The main reason to blame for this mentality is the ABC idea. When a person has one mission in mind- closing a sale, they skip many essential steps in the selling process to understand better what the customer needs or if the services being provided are a good fit. To always be closing means never to be listening. This drives a to talk with pause and to quickly make an offer before the customer even has a chance to think about what is being presented. ABC mentality also adds to the salesperson’s pushiness. When the salesperson enters a selling situation with the mindset that honestly does become a do-or-die situation, not making a sale is not an option. This amplifies the desire to make a sale at any cost, which could result in using gimmicks or dishonest practices. Constantly thinking about what you will say next removes your ability to connect with the customer. Always thinking about how you will close takes away from your ability to understand the customer.
Contrary to this idea, as Dr. Sweet has exemplified on numerous occasions, when the pressure of making a sale every time is erased, it no longer becomes the chief imperative. In some cases, even sales may suggest not doing business. This action completely changes the customer’s perspective and results in a newfound trust in the salesperson and their offerings. Also, when the salesperson is more concerned about doing with the RIGHT people rather than just doing business with as many people as possible, it inevitably leads to better business relationships. ABC- Attunement, Buoyancy, Clarity- certainly a much better path.

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