I love the idea of mimicking. Mimicry is an art that constitutes adopting someone else’s tendencies and postures in order to give a feeling of closeness and trust. This sounds manipulative and for sure can be used in a manipulative way. Mimicry used in a good way is simply a means to make you, the seller closer to the buyer and vice versa. there is also a different art of mimicry than just adopting their tendencies and posture, mimicking can be done in the most basic meaning of the word. By simply regurgitating a few of the exact words used in someone’s sentence, they will feel like you are hearing them and if done well they will keep talking. this is a tactic that makes people feel appreciated.

There was a study done with waiters at a restaurant. One group of waiters praised the choices of their costumers and gave lost of positive reinforcement. the second group simply repeated the last few word of the customers. it was found the the second group received 70% higher tip than that of the first group. this shows just how powerful some of these tactics can be.

8 thoughts on “Mimicking”
  1. Mimicry is such an interesting technique that I would definitely like to try out if there is a good opportunity for it. It is pretty cool that something so small could have such an impact on a conversation.

  2. This is a curious concept to me because it almost feels the most dishonest! I do feel that it can be useful and feel myself doing it sometimes in conversation however I do believe that it can be taken too far.

  3. As someone who has worked as a waitress in a restaurant, I can attest that mimicry is an essential skill to customer satisfaction. Many different kinds of people call for different levels of energy. For instance, if a mother came in, looking exhausted and overwhelmed, I would usually slow down my pace, and try my best not to rush her to place an order. On the other hand, if a group of doctors came in on lunch break, I would usually have to get their orders quickly because, by their body language, I could tell they were in a hurry.

  4. I feel like mimicry is very similar to the mirroring tactic we discussed in class. The technique that is used to read body language to try and get a gauge on how the person or client is perceiving what you are trying to sell to them. This could be used correctly or it could be used in a manipulative manner like you discussed in your post. I think if executed correctly this could be a very good sales tactic, to get a reading of who you are pitching to and also how they are accepting or denying your proposition.

  5. I’ve always been so intrigued with mimicry. An even more interesting facet to it is the fact that humans do this subconsciously as well. Sometimes I notice myself and other people replicating the body language of others. I believe that the effect this has on the subconscious is very powerful and can lead people to be more comfortable with you as well as send many messages.

  6. I love this and use it all the time. Mimickry makes the people you interact with more comfortable and at ease around you causing them to like interacting with you more. This is true so long as you’re not so over-the-top that the person feels like you’re mocking them. This stuff works!

  7. I think mimicry can help build a strong connection with a customer, which could ultimately lead to a successful sale. It can establish a sense of trust between a customer. when mirroring a customer’s behavior, it can demonstrate that they understand the customers need and preferences, leading to success in sales.

  8. I agree, mimicry is a great sales, or just general conversation, tactic. It makes the people in the conversation feel more comfortable with you. It also makes them feel heard because you are showing that you are paying attention to their body language and the way they talk or act.

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