What could possibly be perceived as the number one failure in sales? Failure to get the point across? Failure to get the sale? Failure to go out to lunch with the prospect? No, ultimately, the failure to sales can often be not prospecting and talking to people. The only way to make a sale is to talk to people, right? Well, the main way to fail in a sale is to not get out of your office and be with the people. meet them where they are and find out what people are looking for.

Now, I don’t agree with everything in this article by Jeb Blount, however, he does make some good points about sales and how important prospecting on a daily basis is. Even calling people up for a follow-up is very important. Often in today’s society, people believe that with sales, the prospects will just come to you and the leads in these cases will just show up on your desk. This is not the case, making a sale takes being a person and making conversation with people. Sometimes people believe that phone calls won’t work either, that is not always the case. What is extremely highlighted by Jeb is the idea of growing your pipeline. Networking is so important with getting anywhere in the world. Without people, the business goes nowhere. In addition, “the more people you talk with, the larger your pipeline will grow and the more you will sell.” That’s the business of sales!

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The other idea presented in that “you cannot be delusional and successful as the same time.” You can’t ignore what your prospective customers desire. Also, for sales to be successful, people want the touch of a human being, not some robot who has no idea what they truly desire. They want to be understood and listened to, not just to be a number in the crowd who presents their ideas and gets sent out. You should have a more personal-business relationship with your customers.

The Number One Reason for Failure in Sales – Jeb Blount

3 thoughts on “Failure in Sales – Different Perspective”
  1. Hey Aliyah, this is perfectly put. How can someone be successful in sales without the proper communication with the potential customer? I really liked the mention of how important the human touch aspect of sales. I can confidently say that I would not want to buy anything from some automated robot. I want someone to sit in front of me and have me see how and why I could really benefit from buying their product.

  2. The empathy piece of sales is so important! This has been a huge lesson for me as we continue through this course. Being able to pull out of a conversation what the prospect is truly looking for is vital to the selling process. Understanding that there is a possibility that your product or service may not be a good fit for a prospect is helpful in making a truly good sale.

  3. Hi Aliyah, I really enjoyed reading your discussion and your point of view on how you don’t agree on certain things. I completely agree with how we networking is so important. I also agree with how you can’t ignore what your persepective customers desire. It is so important to have a more personal business relationship with customers or future customers.

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