We all know that person that is so over the top social, it is well- annoying. We also all have a person in our lives who is so quiet and so reserved, it is well- painful. Most people thankfully fall somewhere in between these two extreme polls which means that Introversion and Extroversion is not a binary as most people perceive it, but a spectrum. It always seems like people are trying to put themselves into some sort of box. I am this or I am that. Of course, this is completely understandable since human being are incredibly complex, and it is easier to do that, but simply putting someone in one bin or the other is just plain inaccurate. I always laugh to myself when someone walks up to me and says “I am a introvert” or “I am a extrovert.” Sure it is simple way to address a complex character dimension but is in reality it is probably inaccurate. Most people fall somewhere in the middle and this is actually very good news. If we were all just one or the other as mentioned earlier half the population would never stop talking and the other half would well never speak. Furthermore, this gives us more opportunities as human beings to succeed in different areas. The strength of introversion is that it is incredibly observant. The strength of extroversion is that is highly sociable and comfortable with building relationships with others. Both of these attributes are good things, and in the context of sales and many other jobs are critical for success. When someone is told you are not really just an introvert or extrovert and you are more likely an ambivert (that somewhere in between the two extremes) it gives them a better mindset, and creates opportunity to become proficient in the positives that both ends of the spectrum have to offer. So as always be careful when putting someone into this bin or that bin because when it comes to personality everyone has their own unique bin.

4 thoughts on “Ambiverts”
  1. Jay I agree that so many people aren’t actually an introvert or an extrovert. Just because you like being alone doesn’t mean you can’t hold a lively conversation, and in the same way, just because you like talking doesn’t mean you can’t sit back and observe. This bridge between the two is so important in making relationships which directly relates to sales.

  2. This is so true how so many people are quick to label themselves as either an introvert or extravert, and usually they are wrong. Before this past week, I had never heard of the term ambivert. I always though there were just not as extraverted extraverts or vice versa for introverts. But this middle ground made much more sense and when in class we took that quiz and almost all of us fell under that categorization was a key example of how no one is and their personality is black and white but grey; grey with ambiversion.

  3. I think that one of the mistakes that society has made is to put people into either extrovert or introvert and not even consider the possibly that someone is neither of the two. I consider myself to be somewhere in the middle of the road, I can socialize but I also enjoy my alone time at the end of a long day.

  4. I completely agree that Introversion and Extroversion is not a binary but a spectrum. It’s not accurate to simply put someone in one box or the other, as most people fall somewhere in the middle. I believe that I myself fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum as well. While I do enjoy socializing and being around people, I also need my alone time to recharge and gather my thoughts. This is why I find the concept of ambiversion so interesting, as it allows us to acknowledge and embrace the strengths of both introversion and extroversion.

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