I think a major life lesson can be gained that comes out of Mattson’s Rule # 8- get then appointment. Before I begin on the life lesson I think it is worth explaining Mattson’s rule briefly, Mattson talks about how oftentimes sales people will have wonderful talks and then just say thanks for your time to the client and never hear back from them again. This is obviously not helpful. Instead Mattson teaches that a good salesperson after a successful introductory conversation will always be proactive in taking the business relationship to the next step weather that be an actual appointment or even something as simple as bringing by a brochure the following week. This is obviously a good technique because with out proactive action from the salesperson the other party will likely never reach in return. All of this well and good for selling but what about in your own life? For starters I think this rule could be applied in many areas of your life. Friendships are good example. How many times have you spoken to someone and you really had a nice chat but you say your goodbye and next thing you know you never see them again. To that I say don’t let an opportunity for a good friend pass you by- Make the appointment. If you enjoy someone’s company ask them if they are busy and set a time to hang out again. Mattson rule is especially applicable in dating relationships as well. If I were to write a book on dating my first rule would be never leave a good first date without setting up a second one. I think you get the picture. If an interaction goes well with a co-worker colleague, friend , or even future sweetheart don’ t forget to make the appointment for a chance to create a lasting relationship. Rarely will you regret it.

One thought on “Get the Appointment”
  1. I really appreciate your perspective on this rule. Applying this rule to relationships is a new way that I did not think about. Building relationships is about being consistent and putting in the work to get to a deeper level along the way. By being proactive and being the first one to make a follow-up appointment, you are showing that you genuinely care and want to foster a meaningful relationship. In a sales setting, it is helpful to keep this in mind especially when you are moving from the prospecting to the buying stages so that you can get closer and closer to closing the sale.

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