I think the concept of a “calling” is often swept under the rug for many Christians when they start a career. It’s considered a great idea right until the transition from college to the real world. John Beckett described this college as a separate environment or “bubble” from the rest of the world. This “bubble” terminology really applies to any college because they do not function like the real world. Secular universities may lack the Christian “bubble” aspect, but being a college student is very different than being in the workforce. A lot of friendships and relationship building functions differently in the real world and requires you to step outside of what you’ve known. With this, comes a tremendous opportunity for Christians to step into their calling.

Unfortunately, many Christians immediately dismiss this because it is simply overwhelming. Balancing the new challenges of joining the workforce does not allow the energy, time, or motivation to reach out to people or be a representative of Christ. They may do their best to not conform to secular standards, but there is no active approach to hearing what the Lord has for your life where you are. The flip side of this can be amazing. You can hear what kind of role God wants for you in your situation. In a sales context, this can be going from stressing through sales pitches to knowing your identity, confidently selling your product or service because of this foundation, and encouraging other co-workers in their sales careers. John Beckett said studies show you’ll go through 5-7 roles in a single career. Why not make the most of each role and walk life out thriving in your faith too?

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2 thoughts on “A Calling In the Workforce”
  1. The concept of having a calling is easy to grasp, but really difficult to know how to apply to our lives. I think you are absolutely right and our calling can be shown through how we interact with the job we have on a daily basis.

  2. I love the fact that our calling as followers of Christ can go with us no matter what career we are in. It is important for us to never lose sight of the fact that we are doing God’s work for him in our jobs. Great post!

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