Adam Lowe visited our class this past Friday. As Taylor Stein already mention in one of his posts, he told a story about a farmer. An honest and hard working farmer can be diligent in preparing his fields and plant the right seeds but he cannot make it rain. In any person’s life, there are things that are completely out of our control. As a Christian, we believe in God’s providence. We can take what we believe are the proper steps towards achieving a goal but it may not be God’s will and therefore it will not be achieved.

Adam’s story of the farmer brought to mind the principle of “the Real You vs the Role You”. There are aspects of a career in sales you cannot let affect you personally. Just as in your career it must be remembered that certain events that you believe should occur may not be God’s will. For this reason a Christian must understand that the proper steps can be taken in sales but it just may not be in God’s will for your life at that point in time. We as humans cannot make it rain.

3 thoughts on “A Christian Salesman Mentality”
  1. This reminds me a lot about what Dr. Ritenour talks about in his economics classes about general conditions. They are seen as things that happen that nobody can really control, but everybody has to deal with them.

  2. I really liked what Mr. Lowe had to say about God providing the rain. It is important to remember that God may be withholding the rain because He has a better purpose.

  3. It is so true that we must look to God in all things! It’s so easy to separate our relationship with God and our relationship with school or work, and I really enjoyed hearing what Adam had to say on this matter. By applying what Adam said, trusting God with all aspects of our lives, it is easier to keep focus on him, rather than on our work, or other distractions! Great observations Bri!

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