I have had a very recent experience in the buying world.  Up until a few weeks ago when I bought my truck I had not bought much of worth.  Obviously when you are buying a vehicle compared to just purchasing random things the seller really matters because you would like to have an ongoing relationship with the seller especially if it is a used vehicle that you may have questions about in the future.

I had two trucks in mind and I messaged both of them.  One seller felt bad from the start.  He was reluctant to give his address, told me that he was planning on changing the price.  I had negative feelings from the first seller from the start.  He seemed to think I knew nothing about what I was buying and tried to tell me things I knew just were not true.  I ended up not going to that man’s house and opted for another truck that I had marked in my mind.

This new seller was open, honest, and seemed eager to sell the truck, but not too eager to make me nervous.  He offered other pictures and videos without asking and seemed interested in making the sale.  He was not pushy or manipulative and seemed like a very nice, normal, personable person.  This is the man I ended up buying my truck off of.  He told me about how he got the truck, what he has done to it, and even at one point admitted that he probably doesn’t know as much as me about the thing.  He asked questions about me, my background in trucks, what I was looking for, and left the discussing of money until the end.  He did not immediately talk money, set his price, or get aggressive about how much he was willing to take for the vehicle.  He just waited while I looked at it and drove it.  After I bought my truck off of him he also gave me his phone number and said to contact him if I ever have issues or questions which I thought was a great offer.  It is crazy how big of a difference there can be between two sellers without either one of them necessarily being mean or aggressive.

2 thoughts on “A Good Seller vs. a Bad Seller”
  1. Hi Sophia, I appreciated hearing more about your selling experience. I can relate to dealing with condescending salespeople. They can make you feel frustrated about the entire selling experience. However, I’m glad you shared a positive experience too! When someone is in sales for genuine reasons, it makes the sales process feel effortless.

    1. Sophia, thank you for sharing your experience with selling. I think it is awesome how you shared both and positive and negative experience. I think this is how entrepreneurs grow, because if we never adapted to a changing market and are able to modify our business with certain feeback, then there would not be much business at all.

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