
I was very intrigued by Pink’s discussion on buoyancy. Although most sales people tend to be extremely optimistic, a little negativity can keep us grounded.

Pink talks about two forces – levity and gravity – that keep us level. While levity pulls us and our self esteem upwards, gravity pulls us down to earth and reality, therefore keeping us buoyant.

I think that this chapter is a testament to what needs to happen in sales people in order to accomplish their goal. Obviously the goal is to sell, but we can’t be overly optimistic and egotistical about it.

Keeping ourselves grounded and realistic as sales people is very important not only for the customer, but also for ourselves. As sales people, we need to keep in mind that we aren’t going to close every sale, and that is perfectly okay. Sometimes we get caught up in the nature of the job and feel extremely disappointed when we don’t meet a quota or don’t sell what comes across our plate. However, this chapter is a testament that we are all human and and are prone to error, not just in the sales space, but in life as well. As sales people and as humans, we need to strive to even out the pulling between levity and gravity to keep ourselves balanced and buoyant.

2 thoughts on ““A Gritty Spirit and a Sunny Outlook” – Buoyancy”
  1. I really enjoyed talking about buoyancy in class and how it is important to not take things personally but keep on floating. It is so true for sales! Great post!

  2. I think that Balance is one of the hardest things to grasp in every aspect of life. I know personally that I struggle with balancing my time between many different activities that I’m involved with, and to be able to grasp balance in terms of buoyancy in sales is very important, yet probably one of the more difficult challenges. Once grasped, this can be a great tool for anyone’s life.

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