While browsing the internet for sales tips I found one that I really liked on the website hubspot.com. The tip summarized says that for every two benefits you tell your buyer, you should follow it up with a question just to make sure you are still on track for what they want. this is a great tip but it can also get you into some trouble.

Ideally when using this tip and putting it into practice you would let the buyer respond and then you would base your response based off of theirs. However, it is important to remember that the customer should be the one doing most of the talking. I know from my own experiences it is very easy to go on and on about the benefits of something, follow up and make sure that this is something they are interested in and then just keep on talking. This tip needs to be adjusted but is still a great one to use and remember. Just keep in mind that the customer should be doing most of the talking, not you.

When putting this into practice it is easy to forget and is sometimes hard to navigate back to if you get off but it is not impossible. If you do get off and find yourself talking too much just try and change gears, ask question and then try and just listen.  Selling is not that easy but if you can remember these things you can do it and do it well.



To read more helpful tips from hubspot.com, click the link below.


One thought on “A Helpful Sales Tip”
  1. This is a great thing to keep in mind. The 70/30 rule is a great one to keep in mind when selling, but not always the easiest to remember when you’re actually in the selling scenario.

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