As some of you may know, I work in a toy store. My boss is a Christian guy who operates with the mantra “families that pray together and play together, stay together”. He is such a perfect fit for this job of selling kids toys and is incredibly successful with it and, after some observing, I have found some reasons why.

Every time that Allen (my boss) meets a customer in the store he makes sure to introduce himself and always asks how they are doing and, if they open up any more than a “good” with no emotions, he digs a bit deeper into their lives, making personal connections with each customer when he can. After that, he asks if there is anything he can do to help them in the store, finding their “pain” so to speak. If they tell him that they are just browsing, he always mentions that there is an employee around them to ask if they need anything at all. He has also trained each of us to be able to help customers when they need it in a way that makes them feel valued and appreciated. Allen is clearly a natural at this, so much so that you can’t even tell that he is selling at first because of how accustomed he is to just being a positive influence to people.

One thought on “A natural salesman”
  1. This seems like such a wonderful place to work. Building relationships is the best way to advance in a sale. As for myself, I am more inclined to do business with someone who makes an effort to get to know me and my pain, before making an effort to get my money. After all, “no pain, no sale.”

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