Growing up, I loved watching Key and Peele’s YouTube skits. They are very funny and so clever. This one is another classic that I find funnier after having some cold calling experience. Colin Valenti from Master Travel Incorporated plays the telemarketer in this scene. He cold calls Gavin who is very nice at first but was just explaining he doesn’t have the time right now to talk about the travel package. Almost immediately, Colin hangs up on Gavin which confuses him. Gavin gives him a call back and asks why he hung up and what happened and once Colin finds out he’s still not interested, he hangs up again. Gavin is beginning to get very angry with Colin and keeps calling back. He gets more angry and more emotional with each call and Colin keeps his cool. Gavin finally tells him that he wants the Vegas package travel deal and Colin says “Sure you do” and hangs up. He’s playing hard to get and this is pulling on Gavin’s emotions. Gavin calls back and buys not just the Vegas package, he buys 5 of them! He is so blinded by the treatment that he doesn’t care about the product anymore. At the end, we see two telemarketers from Travel Master Incorporated talking about how great the new script is.

This is absolutely not the way to treat customers and not the way to cold call. I felt this relates to class because it is a good sales clip and it is too funny not to share with you all. I hope you enjoyed it and learned a little bit about how not to act in terms of the telemarketer and also the one receiving the telemarketing calls.

3 thoughts on “A Twist on Telemarketing”
  1. Haha, ya definitely not the way to go, but it is funny. Just because we can sometimes get a sale with this tactic doesn’t mean that it will work every time or that we should be doing it at all. Our job as sales people is to offer quality service to their customers, and hanging up on them is definitely not in line with that. Thanks for the quality post and the entertainment to go with it!

  2. What a great clip from a great comedy skit. This definitely illustrates not only poor cold calling but also some of the hostility you can expect from sales customers.

  3. This is a great example of cold-calling problems. It is also such a good example of why salesmen have such a bad reputation. Although his process worked it was dishonest and painted him in a bad light. At the end of the day getting, and also keeping customers needs more honest salesman.

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