Although the title of this blog post may come off as a little strange, the difference between the first ABC selling acronym and the second ABC acronym we had talked about in class is clear as day. “Always Be Closing” may sound like a compelling way to sell and to makes ones numbers for the quarter look good, however, forcing a product or service on someone is not recommended by Prof. Sweet and Pink. While always having a mindset that this sale needs to be closed can definitely be beneficial, it also can lead to some uncomfortable and awkwardness that no saleswoman or salesman would like to endure. Personally, I am a fan of the second acronym, “Attunement Buoyancy Clarity.” These ABC’s offer a different, more personal approach to selling that Always Be Closing simply can not offer. Attunement, A in the second acronym, is the ability to connect with an individual. While this may be overlooked by some, Pink stresses the fact that this is a way to come across as trustworthy and personable. The B stands for Buoyancy. In the introduction Pink describes buoyancy as “a quality that combines grittiness of spirit and sunniness of outlook.” Buoyancy is the ability to combine failure and success and turn it into a winning formula for the salesperson. Last but not least, Clarity shows the way down a dark tunnel of doubt and confusion for the salesperson as well as the customer. It is crucial that we as the up and coming business women and men of this world get familiar with Pink’s ABC’s in order to have a successful career in any industry. What captured my attention while reading Pinks ABC’s is that it can apply to any situation. Whether you are a mechanic and the person you are helping has has no idea what is wrong with her car, or you are a teacher and a student has no idea what he did wrong on a test, Pink’s ABC’s can help with any circumstance.

4 thoughts on “ABC vs ABC”
  1. Really loved reading this. I think it is so important as the up and coming salespeople or professionals in general we understand this, it will not only set us apart, but hopefully put a new name and eliminate or alleviate the negative stigma of salespeople who follow the original ABC’s. As believers it is also important that we practice ABS’s by Pink and prof Sweet especially attunement and being seen as trustworthy and genuine individuals as we should be as Christians.

  2. Great post, I totally agree that this is something for all up and coming sales people to know. Also I couldn’t agree more with “it can apply to any situation. Whether your are a mechanic and the person you are helping has no idea what he did wrong on a test, Pink’s ABC’s can help with any circumstance.” That ability to attune yourself, handle rejection and find our way in this world.

  3. I like your point about the new ABC’s being applicable to any situation. The old ABC’s seem rigid and constricting. There are so many situations where it’s not healthy to be trying to close. I think the old ABC’s are what has given so many people a very negative view of sales. As more people begin to operate in the new ABC’s, hopefully this negative view of sales can be reversed.

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