ABC is acronym which stands for “Always Be Closing”. The phrase is typically utilized in the sales industry, specifically in finance.  This phrase was popularized as a result of the 1992 film, Glengarry Glen Ross, which featured Alec Baldwin and highlighted the competitiveness of the sales industry. The impetus of this strategy is that a salesperson should always be looking for new prospects, pitching products or services, and looking to finalize sales. This specific strategy emphasizes the volume and cadence of selling, rather than focusing on the relational aspect of sales. As a result, the renowned author, Daniel Pink, offered a rebuke of this adage and offered a different perspective of the acronym for the ABC’s of selling; essentially “Attunement, Buoyancy, and Clarity”. Attunement is essentially the ability to bring one’s actions and outlook into harmony with others. Pink offers various ways in which one can attune oneself with others. He cites examples of reducing your power, using your head as much as your heart, and mimicking strategically. Buoyancy refers to the ability to stay afloat during rejection. This entails utilizing self-talk and positivity ratios. Here, Pink highlights the importance of staying optimistic and positive, as this directly affects the salesperson attitude and interactions with prospects and clients. Pink concludes by associating the letter “C” with clarity. He equates this quality with a salesperson’s ability to help customers and prospects identify problems and solutions in a fresh way.

                In essence, I find Pink’s version of the ABC’s of selling more appealing as it highlights the relational aspect of sales. I feel it’s vital for the salesperson to develop a relationship and bond with the client, rather than just treating them as another sale. However, I do appreciate the tenacity involved with the conventional wisdom of ABC- “Always be Closing” as it incorporates the motivational factor key to success in sales, Perhaps, the best strategy for a salesperson is to build relationships, while having the perseverance to not give up.



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